Enrollment import

Manually enrolling individual user into courses can get very tedious, that's why we offer a more convenient way to import multiple users into courses using CSV file.

Enroll multiple users to courses using import method

To import multiple users to courses using a CSV file, in your Admin Panel, go to Enrollment > Enrollment Import. Then click Choose File under Enroll users to course section. Select your CSV file and click Import button. Ensure the file has two columns with headers: email for the user's email and course_id for the desired course ID. For example:

email course_id
johndoe@example.com 2021
janesmith@example.com 3022

You can find the lists of your current user and their email by going to Admin Panel > Users, then the desired user role (for example, Students).

Enroll multiple groups to courses using import method

You can also enroll user groups to courses using a CSV file. Ensure the file has two columns with headers group_id for the group ID and course_id for the desired course ID.

File requirement

The uploaded file must be in a CSV format and have the .csv extension